Should you believe many adds and films are better when comical dubbing appears, this is the contest for you. Are you capable of continuing the path of Florentino Fernández, Carlos Latre or José Mota? If it is so, go on reading!
Choose here among the selection of videos with no audio at all. On your own or with the help of your friends, you must play the stars’ part, as well as the special effects or change the songs’ lyrics.
When you have finished, upload your productions directly to the Intranet.
If you are presenting more than one work, upload IN A COMPRESSED FILE.
N.B.: Integrated subtitles are required.
The jury's decision is final.
The General Rules will apply along with these rules.
Participation in the competition implies acceptance of its rules
Do not forget to include your name or nickname and seat at the party. The Organisers reserve the right not to screen those productions whose contents are offensive (specifically, ours) or are deemed to be inappropriate.